Facial Bunny Lines Are Anything But Cute
Bunny lines are those pesky wrinkles on the sides of your nose when you frown very deeply or scrunch your nose. Whether you get them is largely dependent on your facial anatomy. Some people are prone to bunny lines and some people are not.
By the time you’ve noticed your bunny lines it may be too late to prevent them. Fortunately, you can stop their progression and improve their appearance with a neuromodulator such as Botox®.
What Causes Bunny Lines?
These are dynamic wrinkles caused by repeated facial expressions. If you scrunch your nose frequently while emoting this may cause bunny lines to form over time. They start off barely noticeable at first and get deeper over time. If left untreated, bunny lines can become static, which means they’re visible even when you’re not scrunching your nose.
Sometimes bunny lines can develop as a result of treating your upper face with Botox® but avoiding the nose area. This causes the muscles around your nose to overcompensate. Injecting a little neuromodulator on each side of the nose can fix the problem while creating a more harmonious appearance overall.
Can Bunny Lines Be Prevented?
The good news is that bunny lines can be prevented. But how do you know if you will develop them in the first place?
Take a look in the mirror and see if bunny lines appear when you’re making your usual facial expressions such as frowning or laughing. Another good way to tell is to look at your mom’s face or other female relatives. Bunny lines don’t necessarily have a genetic component, meaning they don’t run in families, but your facial structure does.
Therefore, if you’re starting to get bunny lines, or your mom has them, chances are high that you’ll get them too. Now may be a good time to address this concern – if it’s something that bothers you.
Keep in mind that everyone has bunny lines when scrunching their nose, so this may not be a good way to tell.
How Are Bunny Lines Treated?
As mentioned earlier, Botox® is the most effective method to both prevent and soften bunny lines. In fact, we recommend it to people who may not have static bunny lines just yet but we notice the early tell tale signs that they’re coming.
Note: If you choose to proceed with bunny line treatment, it’s very important to have an experienced injector administer neuromodulators into this area. When done incorrectly, or too much Botox® is injected, it can have a domino effect that can give your face an a unnatural look.
It’s possible to alter someone’s smile, give the nostrils a downward projection or create funny dents in the nose. If it’s your first time getting bunny line treatment, start with a detailed consultation and assessment first to determine if you’re a good candidate. Botox® results can last several months so choose your injector wisely!
What Are Some Other Bunny Line Treatments?
For very early bunny lines a chemical peel or microneedling can help soften their appearance. Unlike Botox® which works on relaxing the muscles around the nose, these other methods work to minimize bunny lines by stimulating collagen.
Normally a series of 3-6 sessions may be required to see results.The upside of these treatments is that they address other skin concerns as well. If you have pigmentation, enlarged pores, texture issues or acne scars, you’ll see an improvement in these conditions too.
Give us a call at 613-342-0220 to find out more about bunny line treatment at BrockvilleMediSpa. We invite you to book a personalized consultation with Dr. Steyn or Nurse Vicki. Look better without looking different!